Monday, September 21, 2009

One nice surprise, one not so nice

We had a nice surprise Friday night when Laura and Jenna showed up with pizza and brownies for Karen's birthday. It's always so good to see the girls and we didn't even know they were coming. Then on top of that they bring food! That was great. What I learned after they left though is just how bad pizza is when you are trying to watch what you eat. The really good pizzas (my kind of pizza) are loaded with fat grams. I really didn't over eat but I gained a couple of pounds that day. I love pizza just like everyone else but I have to watch it from now on whenever I am near pizza.

I'm back Wednesday with the weigh in.

I'm off and pedaling for now.


  1. Did you have a brownie? I haven't had a donut since I found I had diabetes...but I've had a couple of brownies, and Shawn's decadent chocolate sheet cake. This is okay now and then. Just hop back on the wagon tomorrow.

  2. Mom I ate several brownies. It was a birthday party and I didn't want to be the party pooper.
