Thursday, September 17, 2009

My first big bike adventure

My brother Dave and I loved detective books when we were kids. We were avid readers of the Hardy Boys series. Life was a big mystery and it was up to us to find the clues that would solve the case. I remember our first case which in true Hardy Boy fashion I call "The Case of the Lost Slip of Paper with the Address on it".

One day we were in the old JC Penny store that was in Plymouth Park Shopping center. Dave was in the 4th or fifth grade at the time and I was in the second or third. Dave found a scrap of paper that had an address on Winslow street written on it. Winslow is near the intersection of Northgate and Finley and at that time that was the far northern tip of the city of Irving.


We decided that returning this scrap of paper to the address on Winslow street would solve the case. How would we get from 3124 Williamsburg to Winslow Street? Our twin gold sting ray bikes of course. Our Mom would never give us permission to ride across town so we had to make it a covert mission. Dave, our friend Mike Skaggs, and I embarked on the case solving trip. It was far and away the longest bike ride I had ever been on. It was at that moment when I realized the power of the bike. It provided mobility and freedom that I'd never known up to that point. It was exhilarating actually.

Okay, back to the case...I had imagined knocking on their door, telling them we found this very important slip of paper, and taking the hugs of gratitude we no doubt had earned from the tearful and grateful mother. No one was home. We wrote a note telling the owner that we found this scrap at JC Penneys, gave them our phone number if they had any questions, and left it on their porch. We never heard back but I'm sure we saved the day for them. We had solved "The Case of the Lost Slip of Paper with the Address on it".

I'm off and pedaling for now.


  1. Aaahhhhh youth, it is so wasted on the young. It might have been my idea, but I don't remember you trying to talk me out of it. I sure hope the statute of limitations has come and gone.......
