Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ten things from my childhood that you don't see any more

1. The Ice Cream Man... What happened to the daily melody that signaled yummy was on it's way?
2. Chicken Delight delivery cars... Something about that chicken on the roof of the car that endeared itself to me.
3. Kids out on Halloween without parents... Remember when you went EVERYWHERE with just a big group of kids and no one worried? Sad to say my kids don't know those times.
4. The Double Feature Saturday matinee... The kids loved it and the parents had to love it too as it was really a cheap babysitter for the afternoon. Alas the fear of kids safety rears its' ugly head again.
5. Drive In movies...Okay if you drive to Ennis there still is one but what kind of idiot will drive to Ennis ??...er...never mind that one.
6. Variety Shows...man I miss The Carol Burnett Show!!!
7. Horned Frogs....maybe they were the smart ones and got out of town while they still could.
8. Drug Store Soda Fountains..There is still one in downtown Irving but remember when there were 3-4 in Plymouth Park alone? Almost extinct. Best lemonade ever.
9. The Milk Man..remember home delivered milk, eggs, ice cream, etc.? Note to my Mom...remember it's "DON"T let the dog out" and not "let the dog out". The mental picture of the Milk Man trying to get devil dog LittleBit out from under the couch is scary.
10. Shave and a haircut, 6 bits...It's $15.00 now.

I'm back Wednesday with the weigh in.


  1. You can still get Chicken Delight. You just have to go to Canada to get it.

  2. Oh, did I tell you we vwent to Ennis to the Drive-in a few months ago? I guess that answers your question. And by the way, Avery loved it.

  3. Hey I drove to ennis daily for two years. Let's blame it on our parents!

  4. I wonder if Chicken Delight still has delivery with the chicken on the roof of the car?
