Monday, August 24, 2009

Keep those tips coming in...PLEASE!

One thing I have quickly learned about writing a blog is that there is only so much you can say. I can only say " I ate well and rode my bike last night" so many times before it gets old. Fortunately the great encouragement I have received along with what you all have shared with me has provided most of the content here so far. Be sure and let me know of any cool websites and/or programs you know about so I can share them with everyone.

Today's tip comes from my daughter Kimberly. She, and anyone else who knows me, knows how much I love french fries. I have always loved them deep fried too. They are obviously much healthier baked but you lose so much in the flavor and texture areas. Well Kim told us about a way to bake the fries and get deep fried texture and taste and it is so simple! First you Spray the sheet with Canola oil non stick spray. Then spread the fries in a single layer and spray the fries with the same canola non stick spray. They are wonderful prepared this way. The crispiness and deep brown look and most importantly the taste that you get with deep frying is all there. Tip number two is my own. You should cook only the recommended serving size portion and when it's gone it is gone. Now this is simple and most of you have probably done this all your life but just understand this is a new practice to me.

I'll have my next post Wednesday and every Wednesday is weigh in day. See you then.

I'm off and pedaling for now...FLAME ON!!!


  1. Yes that's a great way to bake French Fries. You can also sprinkle fajita seasoning and add onion bits to give them an even better taste.

  2. that does sound good. Karen especially would love that.
