Saturday, December 12, 2009

World's are colliding and you're killing independent George!

I find the old saying that "life imitates art" to be so very true. I can find so many song lyrics that sum up a situation that it astounds me sometimes. There are also situations from TV shows that describe life events as well. One of my favorite TV shows of all time was "Seinfeld". It was the show about nothing but so often it was the show about day in and day out real life situations we all face. I know several episodes described some of my real life situations. I recall once when they tried to co-mingle their friend groups. George Costanza was one type of George around Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer (Independent George) and he was a different George around his fiancee Susan (Relationship George). When Elaine tried to include Susan into their inner circle without Georges' knowledge it was a huge threat to Independent George. He felt he couldn't be Independent George and Relationship George at the same time. I remember very clearly a worked up George screaming " YOU'RE KILLING INDEPENDENT GEORGE" and a sympathetic Jerry and Kramer trying to explain to Elaine how this was the equivalent to "world's colliding". In the same episode Elaine met up with a new set of three guys. They were very similar yet at the same time polar opposites to Jerry, George, and Kramer. It was the Bizarro world to their world. The Bizarro world is from the Superman comics. In the Bizarro world everything is backwards from the way it really is in the real world. Elaine liked both groups but the two groups could not mix. The point is that somehow certain things don't mix and are best left separate. I have two examples of this. One is from my childhood and the other is current day. As you read this try to think of things in your life that fit in this description. I would appreciate some input on this from any one that can relate to this for a future posting.

I recall growing up having two main types of friends. You had the 1) neighborhood friends and 2) school friends. Some kids are lucky enough to have these two intertwine but in elementary school all my neighborhood pals were older than me so I had to find new school friends. For some reason I recall that whenever I tried to introduce the two groups it didn't go so well. From the third grade on Jimmy Cox and I were inseparable as neighborhood friends. In the fourth grade I met Ronnie Sikorski. His family just moved to Irving and he and I were in the same class at LB Barton Elementary School. He was a great guy. We shared a love for running and sports and we were instant best school friends. I remember telling Jimmy he was going to come over and play football with us. Jimmy didn't like Ronnie before he had even met him. Jimmy dogged Ronnie the whole time. This didn't hurt my relationship with either of them. It just taught me something early on and that was for me to attempt to collide the worlds of my neighborhood friends with my school friends was not a good thing. The second and current day example involves my wife Karen. As much as we might love each other it is safe to say that my shopping universe and Karen's shopping universe are probably best left separate. Let me go with ads in hand, zip in and out with the exact purchases I intended to make. Let Karen go to each store, shop, compare, get prices, yada yada yada and eventually make her purchases. I will state on record that Karen's way is best but it just is not me. Both of our styles work, they just seem to work best separately.

Okay guys...get the idea? If you think of something along this line email it to me.

I'm off and pedaling for now.


  1. My dear child, when it comes to shopping, you are SO like your mother...and you married a girl just like your dear old dad.
